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Advancing Law Journals



Practitioner - Law Clerk

You will receive our quarterly journals that cover a range of areas of law, including real cases and professional commentary.

We publish our journal on a quarterly as follows:

1st January

1st April

1st July

1st October

When you have joined as a member you will have access to our Journals. We will also give you the opportunity to submit your own research article (between 500 - 1000 words in length) that will then feature in one of the journals.

We publish articles from A Level Students, University Students and Legal Practitioners. It is a great way of starting your career whether you are approacing the end of your A Levels and going to University, or you are studying at University looking to start a work position.

We also have commentaries and articles that are written by professionals, such as lawyers, solicitors, psychologists, sociologists and paralegals.

Our publications cover real life cases and apply research findings or case law findings to consider the outcome of a case, as well as how it developed. For example:

  • Who was involved in a case.

  • Were their Human Rights considered.

  • Was evidence dismissed.

  • Was evidence disclosed.

  • Were there Applications made to the Court (such as to allow the introduction of certain evidence).

We look forward to receiving your submissions, and publishing your articles.

Latest News


Magistrates Sentencing for Harassment

A lawyer's commentary on the intertwined factors of a harassment case. In practice, law involves several people and the decision maker can change.


Procedures and Processes

Law is governed by many policies, statutes, regulations and case law. There are many forms that are required within a Court case.


What does the evidence say.

Evidence includes what people say, what they see, or even what they hear. Evidence also includes documents, assessments and expert opinions. Courts can restrict evidence being presented.

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